Frequently Asked Questions


Where is Melo Fizz based out of?

We are based out of Northern Ontario, specifically North Bay!

What if an error was made in my address?

Please contact us as soon as possible to make appropriate corrections. Once the package has left all efforts will be made to redirect but there is no guarantee.

What are the processing and shipping timelines?

Processing times are between 4-7 business days. Shipping times vary on location and distance.

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, you may cancel your order before you have received your tracking information/shipping label. If you received a tracking number already, your order has already been processed and cannot be canceled.


What ingredients are used in our products?

Here at Melo Fizz we're all about ensuring the best experience possible. Our products are made with top-notch ingredients to give your skin the love it deserves.

Are these product cruelty free and handmade?

All our products are made in house by our dedicated team members. All our ingredients are sources sustainably and are 100% cruelty free!

Do your product contain nuts?

Yes, most of our products contain coconut oil and sweet almond oil. Please check our ingredients list for more information.


What happens if my body butter melts during transit?

Yes ! Body butters are still reusable after melting. Although it won’t have the same color/whip pattern. Simply allow it to resolidify at room temperature (away from the sun/windows). 

Are your product safe for sensitive skin?

If you are worried that your skin may break out or you are prone to the sensitivity of your skin, please note that our products are specifically made for sensitive skin but for concerns, we recommend a small patch test.

Can I eat the products?

NO! Although our products may smell and look delicious they are not safe for consumption.

How long is your products shelf life?

Our products are best used 12 months after being opened.


Can the products be returned?

Unfortunately, once the product leaves our facility we can no longer accept returns.